Bad Boys for Life Begins Production, Will Smith Shares New Photo Will Smith posted a photo of the Bad Boys for Life scripts late Sunday night. The actor simply captioned the photo with, "Day 1. I'll keep y'all posted." It had been previously reported that filming on the long awaited sequel was going to start shooting next week, but it appears that they are getting an early start on the action. Filming is expected to last through April in Miami and Atlanta. While teasing the production start of Bad Boys 3 , Will Smith reveals that the official title (or at least working title) is Bad Boys for Lif3 by showing off a stack of scripts. The news comes after the synopsis for the sequel was released over the weekend, which puts Will Smith and Martin Lawrence's Mike Lowery and Marcus Burnett up against a new drug cartel led by Armando Armas, who is played by Jacob Scipio. The synopsis reveals that Vanessa Hudgens, Alexander Ludwig, and Charles Melton are a part of...
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